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Sulfur-Cretin's News

Posted by Sulfur-Cretin - December 26th, 2024



While I haven't been posting a massive amount recently, I've been working on a few things that I thought would be cool to talk about for a bit. Keep in mind that the last project mentioned might never see the light of day lol



I was apart of the recently released NGTV special which came out super cool! Was lucky enough to have my short be one of the first ones featured so that rocked. Also made a tiny scene for the Charlie Brown Christmas collab that in it. Wasn't able to watch the premiere but have watched bits and pieces since and it's great. Big thanks to Kolumbo for lettin me in and organizing this massive collab, glad I was able to finish on time

Probably won't be posting either of my parts to newgrounds just so I don't have a block of 4 Christmas related things in my movies tab, but you can watch "Skrunkolina Poorly Makes a Snowman" HERE on YouTube. Skrunkolina is a character I've been wanting to use for something for a while, so glad here "debut" was in a piece of Newgrounds history :)



This is a short one. Just wanted to put somewhere that I've made a STRAWPAGE recently. It's pretty barren as of now but would like to put some neat stuff on there eventually. So far it basically only has the features where you can doodle stuff and scream harsh profanities but yeah. Been seeing a lot of artists make em recently and seemed fun



My newest game I've been working on that'll (hopefully) be released sometime in the future. Is a simple dueling game where the "gimmick" I guess is that you can't move and can only shoot, jump, crouch, and reload. This was mostly done because it's being designed around keyboard multiplayer and wanted to keep it as simple as possible (player one only uses the arrow keys, player 2 only uses WASD)


(smelly prototype version)

I haven't decided a due date yet due to me not knowing what to make the games scope. If I really wanted to, I could just make some menus, find a musician, and slap the game up on Newgrounds probably before Christmas break is over and call it a day. The multiplayer is more or less fully functional and I have a dinky CPU player for the people who wouldn't have anyone to play with. I could do all that pretty easily but I'd love to add like a campaign mode to the game, problem with that tho is the games would go from taking a couple weeks to complete, to at least a few months lol. If I end up going that route I might do "pay what you want" on itch to get like 4 bucks out of it lol, we'll see


I am forever appreciative of the few folks that genuinely take value from my art. It's always been my dream to somehow turn this wacky thing into a career, and while I'm far from making this a reality and have frequent doubts from how bleak things seem for the future sometimes, Knowing I'm proud of what I've accomplished so far keeps me at it. Newgrounds is epic and also Tom Fulp I guess, heard he beats up the homeless but he made Telebubby Funland so all is forgiven

Okay burp goodbye burp, go follow me on BLUESKY for more frequent updates on the game and other garbage. Also look at this cool rat I found




Posted by Sulfur-Cretin - October 1st, 2024


Letting yall know I'm attempting Inktober this year. Have never done it before so we'll see if I get bored or not. Will only be posting the full set on here so if you wanna see them as they are created, check out my Twitter for that. Don't wanna clog up my art tab on here.

Well See yah later, here's the first one : )




Posted by Sulfur-Cretin - September 9th, 2024

First crappy flash animation. I already have a bit of experience in adobe animate because of school so it wasn't super difficult. Might make a few animation tests but I'm gonna be busy for the next few weeks so probably nothing major




Posted by Sulfur-Cretin - August 19th, 2024

Currently pretty content using blender for 2d animations but might start messing with flash for game art after my current project. Gonna be a bit wacky because all the tutorials are over a decade old but should be fun :)



Posted by Sulfur-Cretin - June 24th, 2024

Hello! Got a few things coming down the pipeline soon so here's a little update on what I've been working on.


Gonna be competing in ArtFight this year. Gonna be coming off a really big project so I don't know how much I'll be able to attack people in the event, but we'll see! If you'd be interested in be drawing one of your characters or vise versa, just give be a follow on there or post your link in the comments. Here's my link.


Also planning on trying to stream some of my attacks July 5th on YouTube, not set in stone yet so keep an eye out.


Me and a friend just started a little art show where we draw characters from memory in MS paint, very similar to DoodleDoods whenever that was still being made. There's no schedule for these, just whenever we feel like it, but make sure to check it out when you got a half hour to spare. Planning on the next episode being Smiling Friends characters.




in the past month I've been whittling away at 2 games that I'm pretty confident will come out in the near future.

First one is a 2D collectathon where you play as a little mushroom boy. Gonna have a big emphasis on speed running and comedy above all else. This one is pretty early in development, but majority of the movement down which is the most important part to these sorta games.



The other one is a small fnaf fangame for Plenty’s FNaF Jam over on game jolt. The due date is July 5th and I'm making some pretty decent progress. Trying my hardest to make it not just a brain dead clone and make something unique. Also just letting you know there's a chance this won't release on Newgrounds. I know I've seen other people put similar games up but it feels a bit weird to me. Might eventually upload it after the jam though, we'll see.



That's about it from me, thanks for reading :)


Posted by Sulfur-Cretin - June 7th, 2024

Did the art for a jam that got 2nd place out of 300 submissions in a jam!

Play it here



This was one of the projects I was talking about from the the last post I made. Me and the team are planning on updating the game soon and once it's in a good state we'll put it on Newgrounds! Really happy with the game but if you play it (which I recommend) it obviously has a few flaws. Sadly one other game I was working on with a different team got canned, so that stinks. Got a lot of cool stuff on the way though! Once I start finishing up the stuff I'm currently working on I'll probably start the hunt for a programmer to make something cool with, who knows though! Anyways thanks for reading (also if you are a so called "cool programmer" and like my junk, feel free to message me, like I said I'm gonna be busy for a bit, but it's fun to talk to other cool people)


Posted by Sulfur-Cretin - May 2nd, 2024

A game I made some cover art and promo stuff just released it's Newgrounds version. It's pretty neat so give it a go :)


Also as a little update, I think I'm taking a backseat on making games for the time being. Haven't really been feeling it anymore and I've been having a lot more fun just making art. Doesn't mean I'm done with games though! Gonna being doing some game jams with some cool people pretty soon where I do mostly art, so stay tuned for that. Might try and do some solo games during the summer, but I've already got some projects stacked up so we'll see, thanks for reading!


Posted by Sulfur-Cretin - December 10th, 2023


This is a quick little recap of my process over the comic I just released, SLUDGE WORLD U.S.A.

If you haven't read it yet, click here


(Also thanks for the frontpage Mr. Newgrounds)



Even though the comic is obviously pretty goofy, it had a decently long pre production phase, bigger than anything I've made so far. Back in late January, there I drew the characters Spitz and Bipo for the first time (You can see Bipo and Spitz here). They were not intended to be apart of anything, just some drawings to put in the pile. But then I ended up drawing Jed a decent bit later (here) and pretty quickly fell in love with his design. Then, when the SweetSixTeen Comic contest came on my radar, I decided that if I wasn't able to come up with a better idea that I would use the trio. Because the last time I finished a comic I was in like 3rd grade, I made 7 mini zine style comics based on a word and color. These most likely won't be released to the public unless I feel extra stinky, but yeah.



Once finished, I was thinking about expanding on the candy world idea, but because it was very Halloween centered, and I knew I wouldn't of been able to complete it that quick, I started doodling some concept art for SLUDGE WORLD


A very early on idea for the comic that predated the concept art above, was that the entire thing would've taken place at a 7/11 style gas station in the middle of nowhere. Everything except for the trio would be very soft and muted browns and they would be in some hillbilly redneck town and be seen as complete jokes. I may end up repurposing the idea for a cartoon later on but I thought it would've not really suited the medium of a comic so I scrapped it.


So uh... to be honest I don't know what to put here that wouldn't just be "I made this page, THEN I made this page" so I'll start with a few references and inspirations.

Starting with the title, I've really had been wanting to make something with "sludge" in the name, sounds weird I know but I could give a pretty hefty list of words and phrases that I think would be sick titles so whatever. Anyways the title us basically just a combo of SLUDGE LIFE, the a spray painting walking sim with some funky art, and APOCALYPSE U.S.A, an edgy punk song I really like.

I could honesty write for like 5 hours about all the obscure references in the comic, so I'll just say that this line was in direct reference to Chris Chan, specifically his attraction sign he used early on. Fairly certain I was using that one Chris Chan documentary as background noise at the time.


Some notable inspirations for the comic were Bridge Kids, Hotline Miami, and some of Max Johnsons work specifically for the inside of the building pages.

While I did the heavy lifting, I got a ton of help from a few people. One of my close friends was there for the whole process, giving critique and pithing jokes (main one that comes to mind is the Tim Allen panel on the last page). I suck at names so ALL the main trio's names were suggested by people online and by the friend I mentioned (quick factoid, originally my friend suggested "spritz" for the spray paint guy, but when I was going to sleep, I miss remembered it was "Spitz" and though it was a lot funnier).

I got a ton of help from some nice people on discord who corrected my spelling (both are listed in the special thanks, and I learned that I am completely unable to spell forget, every instance was spelled "froget".

So yeah, I could drag this out more but I don't want this to be bloated so moving on the the last section


It was a very fun time and I'm super glad I finished it. My main three goals were to finish a longer project, try and make something on the more "crude" side, and experiment with trying to have a slight meaning to my art. I think I did all those goals pretty well! The last one was tricky and I think I slipped up on it a little bit but was able to get it in with the last few pages.

Showed the comic to my Mom lol, and she enjoyed it but wasn't a fan of a few parts which is understandable. She said " I was very scared for the two kids inside the weird city area with the flasher". I both felt a bit bad to hear that, but also proud in a weird way because that's what I was going for. Cooltopia, and the whole comics universe isn't really a place for little baby boys bouncing around.

Finally I've learned that I probably should take some sort of creative writing class, experiment a bit more with making comics, and that I probably shouldn't put this in my schools art show lol. Was really wanting to print out a physical version and put it in there, but seeing how I'm seen pretty well in our pretty conservative Christian community, I don't wanna be getting any dirt looks when they read the chloroform page lol.

Thanks if you ended up reading this whole thing, means a lot, glad to see all the attention the comics gotten so far and exited to make more in the future on good ol' Newgrounds. Also watch this video please oh please.




Posted by Sulfur-Cretin - March 28th, 2023



Newgrounds just randomly popped off for me out of nowhere and I've been having a blast posting stuff to it, and I've gotten a tiny following on here from it so that's pretty wacky. Would have loved to celebrate by posting something big but I've been way too busy to work consistently on personal projects. But I can still show a handful of stuff that is in the works.

(There is a 90% chance most of this never gets released, so don't jump out of your chair with absolute joy)

Sludge (untitled game)

Sludge is planned to be a chaotic arena arcade game (possibly a roguelike) where you play as the only janitors left in the world and have to clean the endless piles of tar and oil.

(concept art)


Development has only recently started so I'm not completely sure if the game "works" from a gameplay perspective. The game is intended to be a co-op experience but will not have any downsides if you decide to play alone. Currently the game is planned to be based completely on melee combat, VERY similar to how nuclear throne handles it.

I'm keeping it pretty vague because again, I'm not sure about my ability to finish it but I'm fine with the challenge. If I do end up finishing it then don't expect anything until summer.

(current work done, all prototype art)


One of the main mechanic is that the majority of enemies produce sludge in some way, if there's to much sludge on screen the building you are in will start to fall apart. if you don't clean it up fast enough then sucks to suck, you die :)

The only way to clean it up however is by knocking into a water bucket, giving you 3 cleaning swings. BUT the main kicker being that getting water on your mop also increase your range and damage, so you can be risky and use it to kill enemies instead. But advanced player can try and lore enemies on top of sludge, killing two birds with one stone.

PVZ New Dayz (Working Title)

This game has a lot more done than the previously mentioned but is not being activity worked on and is in limbo indefinitely. Mostly stopped from me not knowing how to make the spawning feel the same as the original games. Just a run of the mill fan game, may not even get posted of Newgrounds if it is ever finished, we'll just have to wait and see. I'm waiting on some people to finish music but if you can make good stuff then I could use some more :)



Okay that's it, see you never



Posted by Sulfur-Cretin - July 1st, 2022

probably gonna actually actively use this account again, upload all my rancid stuff